Beloved Oregon
Imagine soothing oceanic waves of buoyant, illuminating celestial sounds, relaxing vibrations and resonant feelings of Freedom flowing around and within you... catalyzing deep, effortless relaxation, restoration and nourishment for your Mind, Body and Spirit. Feelings of Spaciousness, undisturbable Peace, Clarity and pure Potential gently replace tension, density, fragmentation, fog and limitation...gliding along the spectrum of personal & Universal.
The Gong's potent, Divinely-guided frequencies and interactive harmonic overtones are infused with Life-Enhancing Vibrational Frequencies and Energies, beyond chromatically confined points of reference or scripted playing. Compared to its traditional musical roles of punctuation, The Gong's sonic spectrum is far more expressive, gentle, pleasant, sustained, evocative--and fascinating~! People are amazed by the soothing, surreal, celestial, liquid, mystical, uplifting, relaxing, liberating and powerful Bio-Energetic healing sounds emanating from The Gong...and the resulting sensations, experiences and results.
Typically hidden at the back of Orchestras, the Gong is more heard than seen. Thanks to innovative Percussionists, Composers, Sonic Therapists, and Yoga Teachers, the Gong is balancing its audibility and natural versatility with more visibility, utility and expressive flexibility. Historically, the Gong has long enjoyed roles as meditative accelerants and spiritual facilitators in eastern cultures like the drum is used in others. I am thrilled these paths are intersecting in wonderfully creative and beneficial ways~!
Houston Compassion Week
'Hit', 'Strike' or 'Bang' are common approaches to Gongs (think "The Gong Show or the song "Bang a Gong"). But just as drums and pianos are 'played', so are Gongs. With attuned sensitivity, stellar creativity, playful curiosity, sacred purpose, sincere intention and an invitational Heart-centered approach, soooo much more Goodness can come forth.
Transformational Gong is far more than an Instrument:
It's multi-sensory, multi-dimensional, cross-functional, universal & personal, completely experiential & Infinitely Instrumental
Experiencing The Gong, a 32" Paiste Symphonic Gong, is experiencing your true, boundless, receptive, resilient quantum Energetic Nature--free from density and linear constraints. Immersion in the Gong's amazing primordial sound Frequencies and lovely alchemical overtones is like taking a sonic swim in the Ocean of Infinite Goodness and Wholeness. Imagine the sensations of body-surfing---only it's the Mind, Heart, Energy and Body relaxing and healing in the unchoreographed Divinely-sourced Frequencies, extraordinary Harmonic Overtones and space of safe and Pure Potential.
"All the sounds of the Cosmos are in The Gong." ~YB
~More than a Gong performance, it's a Transformance~
Beyond the concept of concert or performance, Transformational Gong is spontaneously orchestrated with Divine Guidance, Purpose, and Creation, in response to those present and the surrounding environment. My role is as Facilitator and Servant, not Performer, though it does seem like a performance in general public settings. The 'audience' is passively co-creating a Transformance--and The Gong brings precise, accurate benefit and Goodness to all in its Gong Shui~
The potent facilitative Work of The Gong interacts with the innate, multi-dimensional symphony of Spirit, systems, aspects, levels, capacities, components, and processes of our entire Being.... efficiently facilitating the expansion of Awareness; rejuvenation of clarity and vitality; a calm, disciplined Mind and fertile, undisturbable connection with the infinite Creativity & Intelligence of Creation--without struggle, story or linear constraints....
Transformational Yoga on Boards
Immersion in The Gong's deeply relaxing, buoyant sonic Energies and unique celestial 'music' fully engage the multi-dimensional faculties and processing functions of our Being, making it a superlative tool for healing, transformation, clarity, restoration, meditation, maintenance and more. What unfolds within a Gong experience is uniquely personal, effortlessly effective, life-enhancing and amazing---beyond the ears and conventional concepts, current science and understanding of Sound.
Harnessing prayer and intention to The Gong creates a boosted co-creative synergy for your experience of yourself and the realm of Sound, frequency and vibration. Each person in the presence of The Gong has a unique Energetic signature, a phone number if you will, that The Gong specifically dials up so every one receives exactly what they need in their moments with The Gong. The work of The Gong unfolds within and through your multi-faceted Wholeness--Soul, Spirit, and Presence, not merely through the ears...
~Your entire Being is 'all ears' with The Gong~
True listening is the willingness to be changed by what is heard.
~Judith Hanson Lasater
Time dissolves within a quantum experience of The Gong's beautiful sounds, Energies and vibrations. Many report the experience feels spaciously expansive and much shorter than actual clock time. Effortless improvement in sleep and mood is universal as The Gong weaves its soothing, therapeutic sonic magic into the Mind, Body and Spirit.
Many enjoy The Gong's ability to facilitate 'spontaneous meditation'. If challenged with focus, concentration, 'endurance mind' or clarity, you will discover how cooperative, calm, productive and expansive your Mind is during and following an experience with The Gong. Since Transformational Gong is so deeply and efficiently relaxing, the unique experience of 'falling awake' is common: the quality of taking a nap while very Awake and Aware. Should one doze off, this in no way detracts from the depth and efficacy of your Gong experience~!
Transformational Gong creates opportunities that reveal our own unique music and functional harmony within~
Fort Worth Botanical GardenFort Worth Japanese Garden
While thoroughly yummy and productive to experience The Gong in a quiet cozy space, controlled conditions are not necessary to reap powerfully effective benefits. I have witnessed countless extraordinary, efficacious experiences in both formal and informal settings. Unexpected meetings with The Gong can still create unforgettable and amazing sonic experiences and catalyze positive internal shifts. People marvel at the expressive spectrum and sonic flexibility of The Gong...and their own effortless sense of 'awakening' of inspiration and dormant capacities.
Conventional Medicine utilizes Sonic Energy in many ways for imaging and treatments. For example, Lithotripsy utilizes calibrated sonic waves for the eradication of internal growths. Similarly, The Gong's unique Sonic capacities dissolve densities that interfere with our fullest and most fulfilling Life Expression while upgrading our multi-dimensional architecture.
In addition to private Transformational Gong sessions and missions, The Gong rejoices in sharing its unique Gifts in creative, meaningful & imaginative ways to Heal, Uplift, Complement & Inspire~
Have an amazing idea, inspiration, collaboration, program, event or Blessing--and wish it even more amazing~?
Let's talk about the possibilities~